Death Statistics


Firearms deaths in the United States consistently includes suicides where the method of choice was a firearm. Fair is fair. Let’s look at the number of state sponsored deaths in Canada via the assisted suicide compared to deaths by firearms.

For consistency, we’ll use 2021 numbers.

How likely are you to be killed by a firearm in the United States? To answer this, we need to know the population of the United States (331,893,745) and the number of firearms death (48,830). Simple arithmetic, shows us that 0.01471% of the population dies from firearms.

How likely are you to be killed by the state in Canada? Similar statistics are required. The population of Canada (36,991,981) and the people killed by doctor assisted suicide (10,064). Apply simple arithmetic, and 0.02721% of the population is deliberately killed in Canada by doctors.

0.02721% / 0.01471% and we find that you are 1.85 times more likely to be deliberately killed by a doctor in Canada than to be killed by a firearm in the United States.

Scam Alert


If you’ve graduated college within the last few years, you probably are already aware of this. If you’re about to graduate, you might want to pay attention. Luckily someone put my phone number of my daughter’s name for this scam, so I get the calls. About once every 3 or 4 months I get a call wanting repayment of school loans (my daughter has no loans).

The first scam artists said they were with the Student Loan Police Department. Yeah, that’s a good name. Usually the people calling have a non-American accent. When I ask if they realize it is a scam, most apologize and pretend they were given bad data. To be fair to them, they might think the company they work for is legitimate. One however got pretty crude and nasty. I hope karma gives her everything she richly deserves.